
Technology Makes Colors Shine

Optimized Filter Systems for Every Application

Where knowledge and expertise meet, the result is filter systems that are far more than just colored glass. PRiSMA filter systems are characterized by precisely defined color frequencies whose quality we monitor continuously. This ensures the unsurpassed high saturation of the colors and the exact filter characteristics of our unique filter systems.


PRiSMA Filter Technology

With blue light protection, as well as with colored glasses and sunglasses, it is a matter of deciding which parts of the light should be filtered out and which parts are welcome.
INNOVATiVE EYEWEAR is not satisfied with standard measurement procedures in this matter, but has introduced its own measuring and control processes for the precise grading of filter effect and transmission properties in order to optimize each individual PRiSMA filter for its specific application and to ensure the highest filter quality for each product.

PRiSMA BluelightProtect Filter Glasses

What Makes it Special is ...

PRiSMA SpektroChrom Color Glasses

What Makes it Special is ...

"It is our goal to achieve the highest comfort for the user and for vision. That means we want to achieve the highest possible color rendering, even while filtering out the harmful parts of the blue range of the light spectrum to the maximum."

Our BluelightProtect Filter Systems

There is no such thing as the one pair of glasses or the one blue light filter with the best effect. Many factors interact here, which is why customizability is the crucial point for practice-ready blue light protection. Which filter, which glasses offer the best protection for my child? Which option will get me through traffic safely? How should I ideally protect myself if I plan to spend half the night playing video games? What do I wear at my computer workstation, what do I wear in the morning, at lunchtime or in the hours before bedtime?

Our BluelightProtect product family with PRiSMA filter technology now meets the special requirements of computer screen workers, children and gamers, and also offers traffic-compliant blue light protection for drivers. In essence, the fine gradation of our four high-quality BluelightProtect filters PRO99 (99 %), LiTE95 (95 %), EASY90 (90 %) and DRiVE85 (85 %) allows customer- and application-specific individualization of blue light protection to cover as diverse a lighting scenario and requirement as possible.

By the way: A colorless protection against blue light is physically impossible! Therefore, our filter systems have a clearly recognizable yellow or amber tint. Read here how Dr. med Alexander Wunsch explains the optical laws behind this.

Our BluelightProtect Filters at a Glance




for the evening and good sleep
Maximum protection
  • >99 %
    HEVL blue light filter
  • 60 %
    Light transmission
  • ++
    Color rendering
  • +++++
    Protection from oxygen radicals
  • +++++
    Protection from melatonin suppression
    (sleep well)

  • Special antireflective coating

  • Hard protection and easy care coating

  • UV400 protection

  • not
    suitable for signal light


Blue light protection for every day
All purpose filter
  • 95 %
    HEVL blue light filter
  • 75 %
    Light transmission
  • +++
    Color rendering
  • ++++
    Protection from oxygen radicals
  • ++++
    Protection from melatonin suppression
    (sleep well)

  • Special antireflective coating

  • Hard protection and easy care coating

  • UV400 protection

  • not
    suitable for signal light


for gaming and TV
High color rendering
  • 90 %
    HEVL blue light filter
  • 80 %
    Light transmission
  • ++++
    Color rendering
  • +++
    Protection from oxygen radicals
  • +++
    Protection from melatonin suppression
    (sleep well)

  • Special antireflective coating

  • Hard protection and easy care coating

  • UV400 protection

  • daytime only (EU)
    suitable for signal light


for clear vision on the road
Safe on the Road
  • 85 %
    HEVL blue light filter
  • 87 %
    Light transmission
  • +++++
    Color rendering
  • ++
    Protection from oxygen radicals
  • ++
    Protection from melatonin suppression
    (sleep well)

  • Special antireflective coating

  • Hard protection and easy care coating

  • UV400 protection

  • daytime only (EU)
    suitable for signal light

The science-based PRiSMA filter technology protects against the entire blue light wave range of 380-500nm (HEVL=High Energy Visible Light), instead of only partial ranges as often offered. Der BluelightProtect-Filter PRO99 even filters out up to 80% of the blue-green spectrum through to 550 nm, which is particularly important for the sleep cycle.

The amber shade of the PRiSMA BluelightProtect glasses, by the way, is not a single color, but is composed of all wavelengths between turquoise, green, yellow-green, yellow, orange, red and near-infrared. This color filter shade is the only highly effective protection against blue light, as we repeatedly determine in our own scientific tests, conducted for the purpose of quality control. Independent testing institutes also come to the same conclusion.

Quality Features of our BluelightProtect Filter Systems

Color rendering

By precisely tuning our filter systems, we achieve blue light protection with maximum color rendition.

Light transmission

The high quality of the filter materials enables excellent overall transparency for optimal vision.


Our filters allow the regeneration-promoting components in the red and near-infrared spectral range to pass through.

Super anti-reflective coating

Our multi-coating special antireflection finish reduces distracting reflections to less than 1% and thus increases visual comfort.


A durable hard coating reduces scratches and the CleanCoat finish makes maintenance easy.

UV protection

Naturally, all our filters provide the best possible protection against UV light and meet the UV 400 standard.

PRiSMA SpektroChrom Color Glasses

Our SpektroChrom Filter System

Our SpektroChrom Color Filter Technology

All 12 highly saturated SpektroChrom color filters are optimally matched to the eyes and precisely defined according to the SpektroChrom color system as well as graded and positioned in harmonious distance to each other according to their physiological effect. They are calibrated and manufactured according to the highest quality standards. To ensure that manufacturing always

achieves our defined color frequencies and maximum saturation, we have developed our own measuring equipment that goes beyond standard quality control. This allows us to ensure, through regular testing, that every single pair of glasses delivers exactly what we want to deliver: The perfect tint in unsurpassed purity.

Quality Features of SpektroChrom Color Glasses

Color saturation

The targeted tuning of our filters creates particularly pure, highly saturated colors that have maximum impact.

Spectral precision

The spectral precision of the filter materials enables the optimum transmission and brightness for each individual color.


Our filters allow the regeneration-promoting radiation in the red and near-infrared range to pass through.


The flexible change frames allow the use of different color filters for the right and left eye.


A durable hard coating prevents scratches and the CleanCoat finish facilitates maintenance.

UV protection

Naturally, all our filters provide the best possible protection against UV light and meet the UV 400 standard.

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PRiSMA Eyewear

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Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit
Erleben Sie die SpektroChrom-Methode hautnah
in einem Workshop mit Dr. med. Alexander Wunsch.

Noch gibt es freie Plätze.

Wann: 12. und 13. Oktober 2024
Wo: Energy Park, 4712 Laupersdorf, Schweiz

Kontakt: wenk@farbenfrau.ch, +41 79 220 77 78 oder über das Kontaktformular auf der Seite farbenfrau.ch
