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A Heart for Light and Colors

Do you know what a prism does? It splits white light into colors. INNOVATiVE EYEWEAR transforms these colors into high-quality, scientifically defined color filter systems. They form the heart of every PRiSMA innovation. Because light and colors inspire us. And we want to invite you into this world.

PRiSMA BluelightProtect

Short-wave light dominates more and more areas of our life. Around the clock, our homes, offices and streets are flooded with artificial light from LED lamps, which virtually always have a blue light content that is far too high. Blue light at close range from the screens of our smartphones, tablets, PCs and TV sets adds to the aggravation. But our eyes and our biorhythms are not designed by nature to withstand such stress permanently. Protect yourself and your children with our efficient PRiSMA BluelightProtect filter systems before these strains exceed your individual tolerance threshold.


Research and Partners

PRiSMA color glasses were produced in 1993 and have since been distributed in an increasing number of countries around the world. Their development was based on the findings of light biology from the very beginning. The PRiSMA Filter Technology made them unique. 

Since 2007, INNOVATiVE EYEWEAR has been researching the application of efficient blue light protection. From the very beginning, our development partner and technology consultant Dr. med. Alexander Wunsch has contributed the necessary expertise.

There are many scientists around the world researching the interrelationships of light, well-being, safety and health, whose essential study results we evaluate for our product development and cite as references.

You can find this specialist information in all magazine articles with the study symbol. 

PRiSMA SpektroChrom

You are looking for relaxation? Then listen to quiet music. Do you feel like dancing? You need rhythm and a base line that you feel in your stomach. No question, sounds are beautiful, but you don’t only have ears! SpektroChrom color glasses open your eyes and soul to the world of natural colors. What you hear in the process? Your decision alone.

Dinshah P. Ghadiali

Color Glasses


You are interested in SpektroChrom but could not decide yet? You have questions about SpektroChrom that you would like to ask our experienced expert? You are looking for natural ways to improve your well-being? You are curious and interested in a healthy lifestyle? You have heard about SpektroChrom and want to know more? You want to learn more about the practical application and effectiveness of our unique PRiSMA SpektroChrom color grooves? Then book the SpektroChrom-interactive webinar now!

Experience teaches us that the individual colors create particular moods.

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PRiSMA Eyewear

Discover our innovative eyewear products

Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit
Erleben Sie die SpektroChrom-Methode hautnah
in einem Workshop mit Dr. med. Alexander Wunsch.

Noch gibt es freie Plätze.

Wann: 12. und 13. Oktober 2024
Wo: Energy Park, 4712 Laupersdorf, Schweiz

Kontakt: wenk@farbenfrau.ch, +41 79 220 77 78 oder über das Kontaktformular auf der Seite farbenfrau.ch
