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Symbolbild Farbtherapie: Schälchen mit buten Farbpigmenten sind auf einem Holztisch verteilt

A Focus on Colors: The Work of the Color Therapy Association

Colors are deeply anchored in our lives. They influence how we feel, perceive the world, and interact with our environment. Just think of the joyful feeling a rainbow conjures up or the warm mood created by the colorful autumn leaves. At this time of year in particular, we often feel inspired and “recharged” by the vibrant colors of nature. But colors can do much more – they can be used specifically to promote well-being and support healing processes. This is the central approach of color therapy.

Today we are speaking to Laura Herrmann, a passionate color therapist and founding member of the Swiss Color Therapy Association. Laura shares with us her journey to color therapy, her experiences as a lecturer and her role in the association, which is dedicated to promoting and professionalizing this exciting therapy method.

Interview with Laura Herrmann

Die Schweizer Farbtherapeutin Laura Herrmann
Laura Herrmann is a passionate color therapist - Photo: Sara Ley / Minervas

Color Therapy in Switzerland

Passion and Vision

Laura, how did you originally get into color therapy and what got you so excited about it?

A personal life crisis and a great motivation to learn something new brought me to color therapy education. I researched various training courses and very quickly became enthusiastic about color therapy at the Apamed School. The course covers so many topics that piqued my interest. Firstly, the color properties of the individual colors, then the connection with the chakra teachings, anatomy, psychosomatic, and the many different tools that can be used in color therapy. All this made me decide to book the one-year training course straight away without having been to a color therapy session before the training. I had never even heard of color therapy before the training.

What fascinated you most during your own training as a color therapist?

I am fascinated by the profound effect of colors. If you allow yourself to get involved, the colors show you where we are in life, where we are looking at issues and literally want to be “illuminated with color”. Colors are not only beautiful, they have such a powerful effect on our mental and physical well-being. I have had moments with colors that have given me deep insights, clarity and confidence and have shown me the next important steps. My year of training was quite something and was my greatest personal development to date.

You are now also a lecturer in the training of future color therapists. Which aspect of this do you enjoy the most?

It is a gift to be able to convey the joy of color and color knowledge and thus spark enthusiasm for color. My greatest joy is not talking about colors myself, but the moment when a person feels the colors and their effect. Their facial expression or posture often changes within a matter of seconds. My heart opens at these moments.

What are your experiences with the SpektroChrom glasses in training?

The next course, which starts in October 2024, will be the first one to use SpectroChrom glasses. Compared to the color glasses we have used so far, the PRiSMA glasses have an even more intense effect and, in my experience, the color vibrations can be felt even more quickly. I am already using the SpektroChrom color glasses successfully in my color therapy practice and getting great feedback from my clients.

The Swiss Color Therapy Association was founded in 2023, but you told me that it was the result of years of preparatory work by Ms. Schneider. Can you tell us more about this vision and its implementation in the association?

Erika Schneider has been a passionate color therapist for over 15 years and is also part of the team of lecturers for the specialist training at Apamed. For years, Erika had the vision of founding a professional association with the intention of making the color therapy method better known and offering color therapists networking opportunities. With a great deal of commitment and support from the current board members, Erika Schneider successfully implemented her vision in March 2023.

What role does the Association play today, and how do you support the Association’s goals through your public relations work?

The professional association is doing everything it can to give color therapy the visibility it deserves. We would also like to see cooperation with conventional medicine and networking with color practitioners beyond national borders.

Together we can achieve more than each color therapist individually. We are convinced that we will be able to offer attractive courses and events for color therapists and color enthusiasts in the future. The first courses are already advertised in the events calendar on our website We are also very pleased that the first event of the professional association, the “Day of Color Therapy”, will take place in St. Gallen on Saturday 16 November 2024. This event is also aimed at trained and aspiring therapists as well as people who would like to learn more about color therapy.

When you think about the future of color therapy in Switzerland, what do you wish for and what role would you like to play in it?

I hope that color therapy will take a big step forward in terms of visibility in the coming years and become an even more accepted therapy method. My goal is to establish color therapy even more in the healthcare sector. For example, in the form of color therapy offers in hospitals and healthcare facilities, raising awareness of color-based interior design in doctors’ surgeries or with meaningful scientific studies on the effects of color. There are many ideas that we would like to implement over the next few years.

With my newly launched color therapy podcast, I would like to make a personal contribution and share great color therapy success stories with the world. I am deeply convinced that more of us color therapists will be needed in the future. Energy and vibrational medicine will become increasingly important in the coming years.

You can find out more about Laura’s work on her website “Farbgefühle”

When you get involved with the colors, that's when things really get going!

The best example of the synergies within the color therapy association:

Workshop SpektroChrom

Ursula Wenk, an experienced color therapist and also a founding member of the Swiss Color Therapy Association, has been successfully using PRiSMA colored light glasses in her practice for many years.

Their commitment is also reflected in the organization of the intensive workshop on the SpektroChrom method, which will take place on October 12 and 13, 2024 at the Energy Park in Laupersdorf This workshop is an excellent example of how members of the professional association create further training opportunities for colleagues and at the same time address the interested public.

The workshop, led by Dr. med. Alexander Wunsch, a proven expert in the spectrochrome method, offers participants an interactive introduction to the basics of this color therapy technique. Dr. Wunsch will explain how the colors are generated and will provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of action of skin irradiation and the use of color glasses.
Participants will receive the necessary tools to apply the spectrochrome method directly in their own practice, supported by concrete application examples.

The event will take place over two days and the participation fee of CHF 450 includes catering and non-alcoholic drinks.
Interested parties can register for the workshop until September 15. Further details and the possibility to register can be found on the website of the professional association or directly with Ursula Wenk.

EIn Symbolbild für den SpektroChrom Workshop mit Alexander Wunsch: Farbbrillen und Literatur zum Thema.
The workshop will go deep into the SpektroChrom method

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